On 23rd August 2012, in Tasty Towers Diner - 619 Tasty Towers Drive, Migopolis, Migoland - terrible events began to take place. 

First of all, Mr. Jackson, a pleasant elderly man in his late fifties, claimed he had been threatened by a younger man. Mr. Jackson described the man as a youth in his twenties wearing a red hoodie, covering his violent face.
He said to the Hoods Gang, "I was sitting down next to the till when the younger man came and  sat down beside me. He had blood dripping from his hand so I asked him if he was ok.
'Oh you don’t wanna know!' he replied.... (click Read More)

Alert! Alert!  This is a very important warning to familiy members who use the XAT chat box on this website's main page! Please report any sightings of Sonic (Sonic345) or Jenny (Jenny6) Blue to a chat moderator or owner. There's a 100 migoland coins reward for banning them and a 50 migoland coins reward for reporting them. Once you have banned/sighted them, let me know by commenting on this blog post or in the XAT chat box so you can receive your reward.  Both Sonic and Jenny are banned from using this site's chat. I'm asking that all moderators/owners ban them forever ASAP.

~Promise Valencia Brown-Christmas